About us

Over the years we can proudly say that we have developed a specialization for SMEs and the Asian market with all our services that we offer.

C. Wang Register accountant

Since 2001 we help SMEs with accountancy, administration, business / growth advice and tax matters. To guarantee the quality of our office, we use processes that are laid down in our manual and certified accountancy software that always provides insight into your administration.

C. Wang is also a member of the NBA (Royal Netherlands Professional Association of Accountants)

Asian market

If you want to start a business in Asia or launch a product on the Asian market, it is not that easy. What helps enormously is someone who can communicate with the right people or someone who can point you in the right direction. We help with brainstorming, financial matters and other consultations to help you on your way. Is there a need to discuss the possibilities? Then make an appointment at our office.

Chi Wang

Owner Chi Wang started his career in accountancy at Deloitte & Touche in Leiden in 1996. After obtaining his degree at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam in 1997, he completed his studies in 1999 as RA. Always fascinated by consultancy, Chi Wang started his own business and C. Wang Registered Accountant was founded in May 2001.